
Sunday, September 19, 2021



This is the second part of the official histories of World War 1 of Germany. Unlike part 1, this series, entitled "Schlachten des Weltkrieges" (Battles of the Great War) are not listed on The Great War 1914-1918. This is the major compilation of all volumes of this series. Unlike the "Der Weltkrieg 1914 bis 1918", each volume of "Schlachten des Weltkriegs" is dedicated to a single battle or campaign. The compilers are also those who worked at the Reichsarchiv, hence we can assume that they all have access to the same primary documents that they used when the compiled "Der Weltkrieg 1914 bis 1918".

These books were published between 1926 to 1930.

The total series is comprised of 36 volumes. They have all been digitalized by The digital State Library of Upper Austria.

This list is compiled thanks to this wikisource page

Cover of a volume of the series "Schlachten des Weltkrieges"

Schlachten des Weltkrieges in Einzeldarstellungen, bearbeitet und herausgegeben im Auftrag und unter Mitwirkung des Reichsarchives (Battles of the World War in individual representations, edited and published on behalf of and with the assistance of the Archives of the State)

Published by Gerhard Stalling between the years 1925 and 1930 the volumes are as follows:

 Volume 1


(Douamont, composed by Werner Beulmelburg. This was translated into French)

Volume 2

Karpathen- und Dnjester-Schlacht 1915. Korps Bothmer (3. Garde-Inf.Div., 38. Honved.Div.) von Munkacz bis Ziota Lipa

(Battle of the Carpathians and Dniester 1915. Corps Bothmer (3rd Guard Inf. Division, 38th Honved Division) from Munkacz to Ziota Lipa)

Volume 3

Antwerpen 1914

 (Antwerp 1914)

Volume 4

Jildirim. Deutsche Streiter auf heiligem Boden. Nach eigenen Tagebuchaufzeichnungen und unter Benutzung amtlicher Quellen des Reichsarchivs

(Jildirim. German fighters on holy ground. Based on own diary entries and using official sources from the Reich Archives)

Volume 5

Herbstschlacht in Macedonien, Cernabogen 1916

 (battle of Autumn in Macedonia, Cernabogen 1916)

Volume 6

Von Nancy bis zum Camp des Romains 1914

 (From Nancy to the camp of the Romans 1914)

Volume 7A

Die Schlacht bei St. Quentin 1914: Der rechte Flügel der deutschen 2. Armee am 29. und 30. August

 (The Battle of St. Quentin, 1914: The right wing of the 2nd German army on August 29th and August 30th)

Volume 7B

Die Schlacht bei St. Quentin 1914: Garde und Hannoveraner vom 28. bis 30. August

 (The Battle of St. Quentin, 1914: The Guard and the Hannoverians from 28th  till 30th August)

Volume 8

Die Eroberung von Nowo Georgiewsk

 (The capture of Nowo Georgiewsk)

Volume 9

Die Kämpfe um Baranowitschi

 (The battle of Baranowitschi)

Volume 10

Ypern 1914

 (Ypre 1914)

Volume 11

Weltkriegsende an der mazedonischen Front

 (The end of the World War on Macedonian Front)

Volume 12A

Die Schlacht von Tolmein und Flitsch

 (The battle of Tolmein and Flitsch)

Volume 12B

Die Verfolgung über den Tagliamento bis zum Piave

 (The pursuit over the Tagliamento to the Piave)

Volume 13

Die Tragödie von Verdun 1916. Die deutsche Offensivschlacht

 (The tragedy of Verdun 1916. The offensive battle of Germany)

Volume 14

Die Tragödie von Verdun 1916. II. Teil Das Ringen um Fort Vaux

 (The tragedy of Verdun 1916. II. The struggle for Fort Vaux)

Volume 15

Die Tragödie von Verdun 1916. III. und IV. Teil. Die Zermürbungsschlacht. III. Teil: Toter Mann - Höhe 304. IV. Teil: Thiaumont - Fleury

 (The tragedy of Verdun in 1916. III. and IV. part. The battle of attrition. III. Part: Dead Man - Height 304. IV. Part: Thiaumont - Fleury)

Volume 16

Der Kampf um die Dardanellen 1915

 (The Battle of the Dardanelles in 1915)

Volume 17


Volume 18



Volume 19


 Tannenberg (Commentary: The most famous battle and victory of Germany in East Prussia against Imperial Russia)

Volume 20

Somme-Nord. I. Teil: Die Brennpunkte der Schlacht im Juli 1916 (Part 1)

 (Somme north. Part I: The points of focus of the battle in July 1916) (Part 1)

Volume 21

Somme-Nord. I. Teil: Die Brennpunkte der Schlacht im Juli 1916 (Part 2)

 ((Somme north. Part I: The points of focus of the battle in July 1916) (Part 2)

Volume 22

Das Marnedrama 1914 (Part 1)

 (The drama at Marne (Battle of Marne 1914))

Volume 23

Das Marnedrama 1914 (Part 2)

 (The drama at Marne (Battle of Marne 1914))

Volume 24

Das Marnedrama 1914. 3. Teil, 1. Abschitt. Die Kämpfe des Gardekorps und des rechten Flügels der 3. Armee vom 5. bis 8. September

 (The Marne Drama 1914. Part 3, Section 1. The fighting of the Guard Corps and the right wing of the 3rd Army from September 5th to 8th)

Volume 25

Das Marnedrama 1914. 3. Teil, 2. Abschitt. Der Ausgang der Schlacht

 (The Marne Drama 1914. Part 3, Section 2. The outcome of the battle)

Volume 26

Das Marnedrama 1914. 4. Teil. Die Schlacht vor Paris

 (The Marne Drama 1914. 4th part. The battle of Paris)

Volume 27

Die Schlacht um Flandern 1917

(The battle in Flander 1917)

Volume 28

Die Osterschlacht bei Arras 1917. I. Teil: Zwischen Lens und Scarpe (Part 1)

 (The Easter battle near Arras in 1917. Part I: Between Lens and Scarpe)

Volume 29

Die Osterschlacht bei Arras 1917. II. Teil: Zwischen Scarpe und Bullecourt (Part 2)

 (The Easter battle near Arras in 1917. Part II: Between Scarpe and Bullecourt)

Volume 30


 (Gorlice) (Commentary: The most decisive joint breakthrough between Germany and Austrian-Hungarian Empire against Imperial Russia)

Volume 31

Die Tankschlacht bei Cambrai

 (The battle of tanks at Cambrai)

Volume 32

Deutsche Siege 1918. Das Vordringen der 7. Armee über Ailette, Aisne, Vesle und Ourcq bis zur Marne

 (German victories in 1918. The advance of the 7th Army via Ailette, Aisne, Vesle and Ourcq to the Marne)

Volume 33

Wachsende Schwierigkeiten. Vergebliches Ringen vor Compiègne, Villers-Cotterêts und Reims

(Growing difficulties. Unsuccessful struggle in front of Compiègne, Villers-Cotterêts and Reims)

Volume 34

Der letzte deutsche Angriff. Reims 1918

 (The last German attack. Reims 1918)

Volume 35

Schicksalswende. Von der Marne bis zur Vesle

 (Turning point. From the Marne to the Vesle)

Volume 36

Die Katastrophe des 8. August 1918

 (The disaster in August 8th 1918)

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  The official history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was composed and published during the early 1930s. It is not included on this website,...