
Monday, September 20, 2021



The official history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was composed and published during the early 1930s. It is not included on this website, which serves as a basis for my compilation of Germany, French and British official histories.

The official history has been digitalized by the State Library of Upper Austria. In total, there are 15 volumes. 

There exists also an English translation that was prepared by a historian named Stan Hanna. This is the first and the only almost full translation in English. Fortunately, it is accessible to all. The website that I link below contains all maps that accompany this work.

Cover of the 5th volume of the official history of the Great War of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

Österreich-Ungarns letzter Krieg 1914 - 1918 (The Last War of  the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1914-1918)

Published by Militärwissenschaftlichen Mitteilungen (Wien (Vienna)) between the years 1925 and 1930 the volumes are as follows:

Volume I:

Vom Kriegsausbruch bis zum Ausgang der Schlacht bei Limanowa-Lapanów: Das Kriegsjahr 1914

German text | English text

(From the outbreak of the war to the conclusion of the battle of Limanowa-Lapaów: The Year of War 1914)

Volume II:

Das Kriegjahr 1914 Beilagen

German text | English text

(Supplements for the Year of War 1914)

Volume III:

Vom Ausklang der Schlacht bei Limanowa-Łapanów bis zur Einnahme von Brest-Litowsk: Das Kriegsjahr 1915 (Part I for 1915)

German text | English text

(From the conclusion of the battle of Limanowa- Lapanów to the capture of Brest-Litowsk (Litovsk))

Volume IV:

Das Kriegjahr 1915 Beilagen (Part I)

German text | English text

(Supplements for the Year of War 1915)

Volume V:

Von der Einnahme von Brest-Litowsk bis zur Jahreswende: Das Kriegsjahr 1915 (Part II for 1915)

German text | English text

(From the capture of Brest-Litovsk to the turn of the year: The year of war 1915)

Volume VI:

Das Kriegjahr 1915 Beilagen (Part II)

German text | English text

(Supplements for the Year of War 1914)

Volume VII:

Die Ereignisse von Jänner bis Ende Juli: Das Kriegsjahr 1916 4: Das Kriegsjahr 1916 (Part I for 1916)

German Text | English text

The events from January to the end of July: The war year 1916: The war year 1916

Volume VIII:

Das Kriegjahr 1916 Beilagen (Part I)

German text | English text

(Supplements for the Year of War 1916)

Volume IX:

Die Ereignisse von August bis zur Jahreswende: Das Kriegsjahr 1916 (Part II for 1916)

German text | English text

(The events from August to the turn of the year: The war year 1916)

Volume X:

Das Kriegjahr 1916 Beilagen (Part II)

German text | English text

(Supplements for the Year of War 1916)


Volume XI:

Das Kriegsjahr 1917

German text | English text

(The year of war 1917)

Volume XII:

Das Kriegjahr 1917 Beilagen

German text | English text

(Supplements for the Year of War 1917)

Volume XIII:

Das Kriegsjahr 1918

German text | English text

(The year of war 1918)

Volume XIV:

Das Kriegjahr 1918 Beilagen

German text | English text

(Supplements for the Year of War 1918)

Volume XV:

Registerband (Supplments)

German text | English text

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  The official history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was composed and published during the early 1930s. It is not included on this website,...